Our Mission:
Maine Garden Ideas strives to provide new and experienced gardeners with the tools and information needed to plant and grow flowers, vegetables, and herbs. It is our hope that through gardening, you will discover a life-long hobby that will bring you much joy and provide your family with fresh fruits and vegetables for the table.
A little about me . . .
- Nannette Richford provides all content on this site.
- She has nearly 35 years of hands-on experience with gardening in Maine. She grows vegetables, herbs and flowers both in the ground and in raised beds. Like her mother, Richford looks forward to the coming of spring so she can 'dig in the dirt' and watch her flowers and vegetables grow.
- Richford is also a freelance writer with over 20 year's experience researching and writing on gardening topics. She has published thousands of articles in the home and garden field. Her gardening articles can be found on the SF Gate website and on various online sites. She served two years as a Featured Garden Contributor for Yahoo Voices and has written home and garden articles for a variety of private clients.
- Richford has published a book Fiddleheads and Fairies which includes information about foraging for, picking, and cooking fiddleheads. The book contains over 75 recipes, a bit of fairy lore, and a walk down memory lane when fiddleheading was a rite of passage between winter and spring. This delightful little book is a must-have for those wish to celebrate the joys of life in rural Maine or learn to cook with fiddleheads.
- Richford has also published two children's books "Who Lives in My Backyard?" and "Garden Spiders Live in My Backyard" featuring her photography.
- Nannette Richford is avaliable for writing projects and would welcome the opportunity to blog about your garden products. If your company has gardening products that need reviewing, please drop her a line.