Interesting Facts About FirefliesI've always found fireflies captivating. As a kid, I was sure they were magical, and deep down, I guess I still feel that way. There is something mystical about these tiny creatures as they flit out of the woods into grassy areas at night. As a child, catching lightning bugs was the highlight of the summer. Maybe it was the privilege of staying up until after dark, or the fact that the adults sat around talking in subdued voices that set the stage, but it was a magical time. If we were lucky, and we often were, our mother would let us take jar with several lightning bugs to bed with us for the night. We would happily drift off to sleep to the rhythmic blinking that created a soft glow in the night. Of course, when one escaped through the holes punched in the lid, as they always did, we got the uncommon delight of watching as the fireflies flitted about the room. I imagined then, as I do today, that they were actually fairies that the grownups were too old and blind to see.
If you've never caught lightning bugs in a jar, now is the time. I saw the first lightning bugs of the season last night.
1 Comment
peter freeman
12/25/2021 12:28:23 pm
I have a summer home in the village of Bayside in the town of Northport
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