I ran across some interesting research that surprised me the other day. According to Douglas C. Sanders and Larry Bass from the North Carolina State University Extension, growing cucumbers on a trellis increases the yield of cucumbers by two to three times. It also produces straight, well formed cucumbers that are uniform in color with no white spot on the underside of the cuke from resting on the soil. My mother tried growing cucumbers on trellises in her Maine garden years ago and was disappointed with the results. She claimed that they did not produce well. She said the reason for reduced production was because cucumber vines root along the vine when they contact the moist soil, but couldn't do that when trellised. Respecting her garden expertise, I had no reason to question it. I tried growing cucumbers in a cylinder of chicken wire a few years ago and although they grew well, the vines were damaged as they grew over the top of the wire. I realize my errors, now. The cylinder was too short and I failed to prune the vines. I'm going to try some cucumbers on trellises this year and find out for myself how well they produce. If you'd like to join me, here are the basic instructions for growing cucumbers on a trellis. How to Grow Cucumbers on a Trellis
1 Comment
6/10/2017 11:01:12 pm
I have grown Cucumbers on a Trellis and they grow very fast and very tall very quickly!
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